A re-entry ministry to men returning from prison. Since 1997, we have had the privilege of coming alongside ex-offenders by providing discipleship, mentoring, practical help and Christ-centered transitional housing. All that we do, both inside and outside of the prison walls, is done because we love the Lord and we want to see Him glorified as He transforms the hearts and lives of the men. It is a joy to walk alongside them as they transition back to their neighborhoods and are restored and reconciled with their families.
Ways in which we support the men
Christian transitional housing. Discipleship. Identification Assistance.
Assistance with obtaining a driver’s license or restoring driving privileges.
Match with a mentor/coach.
Employment assistance Help in furthering education or training for employment.
Help with resume preparation and practice interviewing with “mock interviews”.
Assistance with seeking other housing.
Be the instruments of God’s grace to help reconnection with wives, children, brothers, sisters, parents, etc.

Back to school with a twist! Before school starts each year we collect and distribute underwear, socks, pajamas, & the gospel to children with an incarcerated parent

Every Easter, we have the opportunity to provide an Easter basket & the gospel to children with an incarcerated mother or father

Each December, we have the privilege of providing Christmas gifts & the gospel to children with an incarcerated mother or father

Back to school with a twist! Before school starts each year we collect and distribute underwear, socks, pajamas, & the gospel to children with an incarcerated parent
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17